Stanley Electric

Stanley Electric - Stanley Electric is the global leader in the design and manufacturer of LEDs offering a wide range of LEDs recognized to be the brightest in the world featuring a remarkable variety in spatial distribution, package styles and color variations. +More In addition, Stanley offers a variety of other optoelectronic products including LCDs and CFLs to support the most demanding instrumental panel backlighting needs. Whether you need LEDs, LCDs, or CFLs, Stanley Electric is a one-stop resource for your optoelectronic components demand. After serving as a sales office of II Stanley in Michigan, Stanley Electric was given an expanded role in 1998 as a dedicated subsidiary of optoelectronic components for Stanley Electric of Japan. The need to meet a growing market in North and South America paved the way for Stanley Electric to develop fully extended engineering capabilities, a state-of-the-art warehouse facility, and a sales support center tied up with its nationwide field support teams. This intricate support network allows Stanley Electric to take its customers from lighting design to prototype development to delivery. -Less

Stanley Electric Uitgelichte producten


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