
SWITCHCRAFT® - SWITCHCRAFT®, founded in 1946, is headquartered in Chicago, IL USA and still manufactures product in Chicago today. In 1999, SWITCHCRAFT® acquired Conxall®, located in Villa Park, IL, a leading manufacturer of harsh environment connectors and custom cable assemblies, adding to the already extensive line of SWITCHCRAFT® connector products. +More SWITCHCRAFT®, Inc. is a leading US based manufacturer of connectors, jacks, plugs, switches, molded cable assemblies and patchbays. SWITCHCRAFT® products are used in a variety of applications from broadcast and pro audio to medical, lighting, security, transportation and other industrial applications. Experience and attention to detail make Switchcraft a leader in Harsh Environment Connectivity Solutions. Conxall manufactures a wide range of circular sealed plastic connectors and molded cable assemblies. In addition to their line of standard product they also specialize in custom cable assemblies and connector options. Conxall products are used in a wide variety of applications, especially those requiring protection from harsh environmental conditions. Experience and attention to detail make Conxall a leader in Harsh Environment Connectivity Solutions. -Less
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